The CAE Department Calendar & Timeline communicates CAE departmental events and initiatives to the St. Clair College community. This list highlights significant timelines in an effort to increase awareness of our services and supports. Specific dates will be communicated in advance of CAE events.

Please note this calendar contains CAE departmental events and initiatives ONLY. College-wide timelines are available on the College Planning Calendar and academic-specific dates are found on the Academic Dates webpage

For questions about the calendar & timeline, please contact us at

Quality Assurance Initiatives / Timeline Activities 

Academic Year Timelines September - June Event Category
End of August Schedule of Cyclical Review Launch Meetings Cyclical Review
Early September Progress chart with tentative deadline provided Cyclical Review
Early December First Follow-up on Cyclical Review Progress. Two-week lag time before Chairs are notified about programs behind schedule. If no response from Chairs by early January, then Senior Administration is notified. Cyclical Review
End of February Second Follow-up on Cyclical Review Progress. Two- week lag time before Chairs are notified about programs behind schedule. If no response from Chairs in two weeks from notification, then Senior Administration is notified. Cyclical Review
End of April Third Follow-up on Cyclical Review Progress. Two-week lag time before Chairs are notified about programs behind schedule. If no response from Chairs in two weeks from notification, then Senior Administration is notified. Cyclical Review
Early April Confirmation of Cyclical Review Schedule for the next academic year (Chairs meeting and email) Cyclical Review
End of April Begin Annual Review Process Annual Reviews
May – June Final Reports and Action Plans Cyclical Review
Mid-June Annual Review Action Plan Submission Annual Reviews

Curriculum Initiatives / Important Timeline Activities

Academic Year Timelines September - June Event Category
End of November Reminder Email about Program Curriculum Chart Change Submission Deadline Curriculum Chart
First Week of January Program Curriculum Chart Change Submission Deadline Curriculum Chart
Mid-November Winter Course Outline Change Submission Course Outlines
Mid-March Spring Course Outline Change Submission Course Outlines

Next School Year Outline Rollover

Course Outlines
End of May Fall Course Outline Change Submission Course Outlines

Professional Development, Training Opportunities, Teaching & Learning Initiatives, and Timeline Activities

Academic Year Timelines September - June Event Category
August (Middle) CEDP Phase 1 -  Professional Development: Full-Time Faculty Formal Training  CEDP
May (Early/Middle) CEDP Phase 2 -  Professional Development: Full-Time Faculty Formal Training CEDP
June (Early/Middle) CEDP Phase 3 -  Professional Development: Full-Time Faculty Formal Training CEDP
August (Middle/End) New Full - Time Faculty Orientation: Formal Training (Internal) Mandatory New Full Time Faculty
Ongoing Orientation to Teaching and Learning - Formal Training (Additional sessions may be offered as required) Mandatory Contract Instructors
Fall/Winter Semester Mentoring Program - Formal required training for new full-time faculty in first year of hire CEDP – Mandatory first year of hire
September Start – Monthly Scholarship Discussions (Book Club will be considered as part of Scholarship Discussions) PD – Teaching & Learning
Early September/Early January  Teaching Circles - Formally required training for faculty enrolled in CEDP, Available option to Full-Time Faculty CEDP - PD - Teaching & Learning
Ongoing Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion workshops PD
Ongoing Educational Technology workshops PD
Fall/Winter Semester PLAR and Transfer Credit Workshop PD
Fall/Winter Semester Student Engagement workshops PD
Early September/Early April  What Pathway Agreements Do We Have...Then What? Workshop PD
Early September/End Dec/Early January/Early May  Blackboard Basics Training PD
Mid September/Early January/Mid May Understanding Accommodation Plans Workshop PD
Fall Semester Program Curriculum Chart Change Training Available as needed PD
Spring Semester Solving the Mystery Behind Program Curriculum Mapping PD
Fall/Spring Semester Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite: What is all the fuss about?  Workshop PD
Fall/Winter/Spring Semester Essential Employability Skills Workshop PD
Fall/Winter/Spring Semester Academic Integrity Faculty Workshop PD
Fall/Winter/Spring Semester Writing Course Learning Outcomes and Embedded Knowledge Skills Statements PD
Mid January Understanding the Importance and Application of OQF and Framework for Programs of Instruction PD
Early March Open Education Week - Various Open Education Activities PD
Mid March Internal PD Workshop Series PD
March/April Quality Assurance Process Benefits and Challenges PD
Early May Mentorship Workshop PD
Ongoing Internal PD Workshop Series PD
Fall/Winter/Spring Semester Assessment PD
June Faculty Retreat PD
May Annual Reviews Workshop PD

Academic Integrity

Academic Year Timelines
September - June
Event Category
August Create Academic Integrity Tutorial - Fall Academic Integrity
August New students are registered for the Fall Academic Integrity Module Academic Integrity
August Collaborate with Student Services, International Office, and Orientation Committee on new student orientation Academic Integrity
August Present Academic Integrity statistics and updates at All Academic Meeting Academic Integrity
August Participate in and present at departmental meetings Academic Integrity
August New Faculty Orientation Academic Integrity
September – after day 10

Due date for completion of Academic Integrity Module 

Frequent student reminders

Academic Integrity
September Orientation for Appeal Panel members - annual presentation and Q & A for those faculty interested in sitting on the panel Academic Integrity
September Review and Revise AI protocol Academic Integrity
November Academic Integrity Committee Meeting Academic Integrity
December Create Academic Integrity Module - Winter Academic Integrity
December New students are registered for the Winter Academic Integrity Module Academic Integrity
January Collaborate with Student Services, International Office, and Orientation Committee on new student orientation  Academic Integrity
January Present Academic Integrity statistics and updates at All Academic Meeting Academic Integrity
January Participate in and present at departmental meetings Academic Integrity
January – after day 10

Due date for completion of Academic Integrity Module

Frequent student reminders 

Academic Integrity
March Academic Integrity Committee Meeting Academic Integrity
April Create Academic Integrity Module - Spring Academic Integrity
April New students are registered for the Spring Academic Integrity Module Academic Integrity
May – after day 10

Due date for completion of Academic Integrity Module

Frequent student reminders 

Academic Integrity
June Prepare Academic Integrity annual report Academic Integrity
June Review and revise Academic Integrity Module and Workshop as well as CAE website and intranet Academic Integrity

Prepare Academic Integrity reports and distribute to Chairs and Academics, as well as Student Leadership

Meet with Student Leadership

Provide progress update to Risk Management Committee

Academic Integrity
Fall/Winter/Spring Training and PD on Academic Integrity database, misconduct, assessment, and other Academic Integrity related topics Academic Integrity