Friends sharing coffee. One friend uses a wheelchair.

Accessibility at St. Clair College

Step Free Route direction sign.

AODA at St. Clair College

five people of different abilities/disabilities sit around a table in a library

eCampusOntario Accessibility Resources

Guidance and direction for the adoption, development, and procurement of accessible digital content and technology.

Man reading a book in braille.

Ableism/Disablism in Higher Education

Person writing on a whiteboard desk.

Disability: Perspectives and Models

Person sitting before a laptop open to discussion outlines.

Tips for Supporting Students with Disabilities in Online Learning

Photos clipped to a string.


Two sheets of paper with colorful charts on a table.

Accessible Documents

Laptop on desk showing many people in an online meeting.

Accessible Presentations and Meetings

Teacher presenting at a desk in front of a camera.

Accessible Videos

Group of four faculty meeting while one demonstrates on a laptop

Working with Student Services


Materials in the Accessibility section of the CAE Website were created by St. Clair College faculty and students led by the Centre for Academic Excellence and Quality Assurance. This work was made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampus Ontario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit:

VLS2: Irene Stewart; Erik Hunter; Taiwo Olaborode; Jesse Teare; Nikolai Zriachev 
VLS1: Irene Stewart; Etap Alshannaq; Vatsal Bhatt; Heather Prus; Trevor Ramieri; Trevor Slobodnick

Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike.

This work is licensed Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike by St. Clair College, Centre for Academic Excellence and Quality Assurance unless otherwise noted.