Course Outlines: Teaching & Learning Activities

There are several examples of teaching and learning activities that can be included when developing your course and included on your course outline:

•    Active learning
•    Case Study/Case Scenarios/Case Presentations
•    Clinical/Field Placement
•    Debate/Performance/Role Play/Mock Interviews
•    Discussion (large/small group, online discussion)
•    Field Trip/Site Visit
•    Group Work/Group Learning
•    Guest Speaker(s)
•    Interactive Lecture
•    Labs/Computer Labs
•    Lecture
•    Informal Group Presentations
•    Problem Solving/Problem Analysis
•    Reading Response/Critique
•    Research
•    Simulation
•    Storytelling/Narrative/Reflection
•    Videos/Audio-Visuals

Within these suggested teaching and learning activities, there are several active learning strategies that can be employed and adapted to your specific context and needs of your students.

Instructional Strategies