St. Clair College recognizes that in order for our academic programs to be relevant and meet student and community needs, programs must be current with up-to-date curriculum that is compliant with outcome-based education principles and government and accreditation requirements. As a result, programs undergo quality assurance review processes that could lead to modifying elements of the curriculum.
The basis for modification of curriculum may arise from various sources such as:
- The professional opinion and experience of the faculty member or faculty team
- Feedback from students obtained through different feedback mechanisms
- Internal quality assurance mechanisms (Cyclical Reviews, Annual Reviews, Impact Reviews)
- Recommendations of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
- Feedback from industry or professional agencies related to the program area
- Feedback from a program’s accrediting agency (if applicable)
- Standards update or other feedback from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)
Changes to the curriculum or to the course outlines vary in the degree to which the change affects the program and its approved curriculum, the approved program Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLOs), the Credential Validation Service (CVS) approval, and the funding decision of the government. The levels of curriculum changes and associated processes and templates are outlined in the policy linked below and CAE protocols.
St. Clair College Policy 1.6.25 - Academic Program Modification