Image by eCampus Ontario, CC BY
eCampus Ontario is a vital partner in the use and creation of Open Education Resources by and for post secondary faculty in Ontario. eCampusOntario is "a provincially-funded non-profit organization that leads a consortium of the province’s publicly-funded colleges, universities and indigenous institutes to develop and test online learning tools to advance the use of education technology and digital learning environments" (eCampus Ontario, 2020). eCampus Ontario provides professional development through Ontario Extend, a OER Library, and access to creation software such as Pressbooks and H5P Studio.
The full OER Library is a collection of resources and textbooks curated and created by Ontario faculty. Part of this collection are several texts that can support faculty in the use and creation of OER for their courses. Here is a short list of some of the resources:
- OER @ Niagara College: A Quick Start Guide for Faculty
- Western University OER Faculty Toolkit
- OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors - a guide to find, use, and create OER for Trades instruction.
- OER Student Toolkit - an advocacy guide for students from BCcampus.
- OER Research Toolkit - this toolkit helps faculty research how OER impact teaching and learning.
Ontario Extend Professional Development
Ontario Extend is a set of 6 self-directed modules for Ontario post secondary faculty that will enhance your skills and understanding in Teaching and Learning as a 21st Century educator. You will receive a badge for each module you complete and when you complete the program, you will receive the Empowered Educator Badge.
Open Publishing:
eCampus Ontario offers free access to Pressbooks, publishing software used to create open education texts and resources and H5P Studio, software used to create interactive learning materials.
This module wasmade possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit:
- Irene Stewart, Retention Coordinator

This work is licensed Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike by St. Clair College, Centre for Academic Excellence and Quality Assurance unless otherwise noted.