What is Teaching Circles?

The Teaching Circles program provides faculty with an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. Faculty members in each "teaching circle" agree to visit each other’s classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they’ve learned from their observations and reflections.

By allowing faculty to be "learners" again in their colleagues’ classes, Teaching Circles can open up unique spaces for reflection and conversation about teaching.

The CEDP Coordinator from the CAE reached out early in the semester to set up an initial meeting with all participating circle members to discuss logistics and establish expectations, as well as set up the circles. Members should visit the other circle members' classes at least once in the semester and then meet again for a follow-up coffee or lunch once all the observations/reflections are completed. Each member may also wish to provide syllabi and other relevant information about the courses being visited by the others in their Circle. CEDP participants are required to participate in Teaching Circles once and keep reflections to include as artifacts in the final teaching portfolio.

Goals of Teaching Circles

The goals of the Teaching Circles program are to:

  1. provide you with opportunities to observe, analyze, and celebrate good teaching
  2. to relive the joy and confusion of being a student, and
  3. to formulate plans for enhancing your teaching based on your experience.

Winter 2024 Registration Coming Soon